Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Zoe turned 6 on 12/10.  She's never had a party before, this was the year.  She invited her 6 closest friend to a children's hair salon where they made bracelets, got their hair & nails done, and sang karaoke - which was the big driving point of the party.  The girls had a great time and were really, really cute.  Jim, Kellan & Dexter came and joined us at the end for cake and ice cream.    
Zoe's been begging me to wear a dress to her party, luckily a friend at work recently gave me one.
Zoe's wanted a pair of boots like mine, got a pair for her b-day

Last kid's quote:

I colored my hair about a month ago (red-ish). Tucking Kellan into bed...

Kellan: "Mom stand under my light"
(me, moving under the light )
Kellan: "Do you know your hair is pink?"
Me: "It's red, and it's been like this for a few weeks. Are you just noticing?"
Kellan: "Yes, because I am always staring at your beautiful face."