Wow, I've gone to post this update half a dozen times to no avail. It's not getting any better, no new content, nothing else to really say, yet it's taking me forever.
I really don't know when it started, but Kellan drives me crazy (I'll say Jim too because I think he will agree). I don't know if it's night after night of sitting in our family room (see video for a one minute glance at what goes on for hours & hours). I don't know if it's lack of sports (he does hitting classes on Saturdays). Or if everyday before he leaves school his teacher gives him sugar. Regardless the kid is on fire. I've tried to talk to him about it, I tell him he's going to make me cry & he just smiles. I'm ready to beat him (hopefully that comment will not be used against me someday). Nothing we say or do calms him down, unfortunately he's rubbing off on my sweet, little Dexter. Only a small part of me is joking as I type this, he's still a good kid and I'm glad we only hear great things from his teacher.
Have I mentioned Kellan's obsessed with me turning 40? - not in that "can't wait to wish you a happy birthday mom" way but in that "you are old" way. That's been a lot of fun too. He's not very nice about it either. He constantly reminds me I'm old and I'm not getting any younger. His feet are officially bigger than mine and grew a size in just the last month. I remind him I can still take him down anytime. Granted he has hurt me. Last night - "Mom, do people's faces get dry skin?" I told him yes, that's what happens to mine, and he answers "Oh, is that why you have all those wrinkles because your skin is dry?" I hope he reads this one day & feels bad :)
WE cannot wait until Spring, that is as long as it brings time outside. We've had more snow than I ever remember having in the almost 5 years we've lived here (still can't believe it's been that long).
What else? All three kids are so into music (I feel like I mention this a lot). Dexter will just start singing a song on the radio or from a commercial - how little we realize how much he pays attention. I try and make a point to turn on music every night when we eat. One of their favorites songs is "Blackout" (Breathe Carolina). It's one CD we don't own, so I pulled it up on YouTube the other night for them to listen to, while I filmed Dexter singing it, I glanced over at the monitor (maybe 2 minutes in) - Holy Crap, wonder why Kellan's jaw was dropped open. At least it kept him quiet for a moment, lead to numerous questions later. I should have learned after the Lady Gaga YouTube video...
Grandma Chloe's been visiting for awhile. She's had a tough year and we're hoping to nurse her back to health. Though at times I think Kellan's behavior is going to push her over the edge. She's been helping the kids with homework, something I can't do. We're really happy she's here.
Dexter's been talking more and more. He's obseesed with the iPod - still goes on the computer non-stop too. He knows how to do things Zoe and Kellan don't. He'll still watch them for hours. I've never seen such a patient 2.5 yr old. The other night while I was doing dishes & listening to iTunes, the songs kept stopping. Dexter was on the computer. I'd walk over, maximize the window, push play, minimize it and walk away. On the 3rd time, I asked Dexter if he was doing it and to show me. He showed me, repeated exactly what I did then started laughing hilariously- I'm still not sure how he knew to do it in the first place. He won't let me call him any nicknames anymore - "No, I Dexta" It's almost worth calling him something else just to hear him say it, though he gets a bit annoyed.
Zoe's still into cheer leading. She danced at a high school basketball game similar to what she did at the high school football game. She's now in a "beginning flight" class (which scares the crap out of me). It's pretty much what it sounds like - she's learning to throw people in the air and be thrown in the air. Good times - she was very excited about the mouth guard. She's also come around to playing T-ball. Jim's going to be the coach and there are 5 girls she knows that are signed up to play on the team - the "Wildcats". I really wanted to be the coach, but she wanted her dad. I get a lot of that these days. Ok, this is starting to sound like a bitter post, I should just move on. I do get to be the sub-coach when Jim's out of town one weekend. Video below isn't the greatest, I was holding Dexter and trying to balance on a very narrow bleacher with lots of people around.
Munson's officially bigger than Duke. He no longer fits in Duke's old kennel. I'm pretty sure he's sick of the snow too. He's a good dog. Jim made the mistake of letting him get into bed with him every a.m. (he knows better than to come near me), the dog insists on putting his head on Jim's pillow.
I feel so much has happened, yet so little.
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The bowl of ice cream wasn't enough. |
The dog has yet to see grass. |
There's probably been another foot since this picture |
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Jim didn't let the snow stop him from cooking a Super Bowl feast of all my favorite things - wings, etoufelle, stuffed crab mushrooms, chips/dip, nachos. I've been on a diet ever since. |
Zoe & Gma post dance | ||||||||||||||||
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Dog pile on daddy |
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When Kellan and I were friends. - At the Starz Suite for a Nuggets game over New Year weekend. |