Monday, May 20, 2013

March - April Post

We've had a crazy couple of months.  To sum it up: We had G-mas Chloe's b-day, a couple trips to CO destinations, made a trip to WA to close on G-ma's house, started playing LOTS of baseball, had lots of snow (& decided to go to a Rockies game in it), thought Dexter broke his ankle, kid's had spring break and conferences, had Auntie & family visit from CA, were worried about Willow in ICU, went to CA for a wedding, had ear infections, eye infections & awful colds, and as of Monday last Monday I started a new job (still at Starz but new position).  Due to the amount of pictures I've taken throughout all this, I'm going to break it out into a couple posts, and maybe, just maybe I will get the May post out by June.  

Jim/Kellan's baseball team is having a great first season as a new team (only three return players for the more competitive league).  They're one game out from finishing the regular season...UN-DEFEATED, baby (12 & 0)!  Kellan is pitching awesome.  He's had many shut out innings (can't say games because they don't pitch a full game).  He's got my vote for M.V.P (2 homers, lots of hits).  Zoe starts up this week.  Dexter & I play baseball almost the entire time Kellan's games are going on.  I'm being pretty biased here, but all three of them are pretty damn good.  

Zoe had her school conference first, and here comes some more bragging.  She's now at the top in math & reading at almost a third grade level (I don't really know what that means, but it sounds pretty impressive), along with grades her teacher couldn't stop talking about how sweet, nice, helpful she is.  I said, "Are you talking about the child sitting next to me?" and her teacher looked at me really odd and said "Your husband said the same thing in the fall."  I'm still happy most people believe the Zoe in public is the Zoe in private.  We love her just the same.  As I always state, and as we always feel, we worry about Kellan.  This conference we heard that he was average in some things (which we are always over joyed for), but we got a bit OVER average in math, reading, etc.!  Very proud parents (I have nothing to do with it, I still can't help them with their homework, it's all Jim, his genes, and the Ashely (G-ma Chloe) genes).  

G-ma Chloe on Zoe's bike.  
The boy has style
This scared the &^% out of me one night.  It is a tree in the back yard covered in snow. 
At Red Rocks for G-ma Chloe's birthday.  Jim and I have been for concerts, but the kids & G-ma had never been. 
Zoe made G-ma a Happy Birthday hat.  We made her favorite chocolate milk shakes.

From Christmas picture
I am going to miss this place, a lot...Lakewood, WA

Gma, Monty & Willow

This little girl was so sick for so long & we are so happy she is out of ICU after a few long weeks.  We hope, pray, wish, hope, pray, wish she keeps getting better & better.   

Tim & Debi found two boxes of trophies in the attic.  Papa Frankie had individually wrapped them all.   I have no recollection of ever winning this, but am pretty impressed with myself.   And there were more, many more. 
Trying on their outfits for Cousin Erin and Vivian's wedding
Me attempting to use Papa Frankie's camera, I need photography lessons.  At Roxborough National Park

Dexter was a trooper.  It was a 2 plus mile hike (granted this doesn't look like a hike, but there was some terrain & hills) & D walked til almost the very end.  We're hoping we'll do more treks since he did so well.  That was before we knew Kellan's baseball was on Saturdays & Sundays. 
We had more snow in March, April AND May then all winter. 
During one of Kellan's baseball games there was very, very strong winds.  So strong, D was running and the wind knocked him over.  He sprained his ankle really bad, fell asleep on me at the game, came home and slept.  Jim took him to the ER, no break (from what they could tell, but in the growth plate and we were referred to an ortho).  He ended up wearing a walking boot for a week. 
He got some GOOD drugs from the ER.  The kid was hilarious.
Spring Rockies game at Coors Field.  Didn't we say we'd never buy tickets in April/May?

It felt a lot colder than 36 with the wind.

Note the snow and appx. 100 person attendance.
We realized when we got there, Zoe didn't wear socks.
Kellan may have stayed the entire game.  We lasted 1.5 innings.

Pre-Rockies game.