Kellan had a great doctor appt. last week (3/9). He's made a lot of progress, more than what the doctor expected. He only has to wear his night time braces now. Yay! We go back to see her in 4-6 months and he only has to go to PT every other week after this month. He still doesn't have full range, but doing great. He gets some aches and pains here and there, but his right foot is much improved.
Kellan also got his second semester report card/parent conference. We were seriously thinking we would have to hold him back after his last conference, but he's come along way. He's average in almost everything (which is a huge improvement), and advanced in writing and math. The one thing that was negative, and a big negative - he's been calling kids names. Not bad names, but it sounds like the kids go home and tell their parents and the parents have told his teacher. So not happy about that. We've threatened him of course.
Not much else...we're enjoying our 70 degree weather. We took the kids to see Disney On Ice this weekend. Poor Zoe. I showed her some clips on You Tube, but they were clips of the Princess On Ice show (I didn't know there was a difference). This show ended up being quite different and a bit scary for her (maybe five minutes of Princesses). Oh well, they still enjoyed it!
Last thing, we want to wish the grandparents in WA Happy Birthdays (Papa Frankie 3/16 and G-ma Chloe 3-/17). Included in this post is the kids singing them Happy Birthday (Kellan's rendition).
Next posting come soon...very soon.