Kellan went to see his doctor's assistant (Doctor is out of office until our 3/9 appt.). His right foot has been going out to the side and he's had trouble walking on that leg. It's bruised on top. His PT thought it could be a bone bruise or some type of break. They took X-rays and didn't find anything. We believe it's more, how hard he plays in his braces. They are pleased with the flexion he has in both feet, so they decided to have him only wear his night braces for the next couple weeks until he sees the doctors. So good news on that note, we hope the foot straightens out. He's been a bit frustrated and sad with how he can't run as fast the other kids and we're hoping that comes with more PT. Otherwise he's still a trooper.

Cam, Tiff, Phoebe and Lyla all came into town late Thurs. night for a weekend visit. We had a great time! The kids were up late most nights with very, very full days. Trips to the Children's Museum, parks, restaurants, malls, haircuts, Uncle Tom's house and lots of hours playing hard in the house made for a full few days. Kellan and Zoe couldn't leave poor Lyla alone - and still seem excited to have a baby of "their own" on the way. Enjoy the pictures from the weekend!
Not too much coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'll make another post after Kellan's appointment on 3/9. Zoe finished tumbling and we're debating putting her in again, it's the exact same class.
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