Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer Fun...well at least for a few days

Last weekend was gorgeous.  Mid-80's, summer is here!  Well, no sooner than I packed up all the kid's clothes did this week of bad weather arrive.  Thunder and lighting all weekend.  So the pictures are from last weekend, not so many picture opportunities from Memorial Day.  We still spent a lot of time at the pool - outside pool opened, but only spent about 15 minutes out there until the rain came.  Zoe's getting braver and now goes down the intermediate slide, still won't put her head under water and is very confrontational with the kids that turn on the water fountains that spray her in the face. It's actually hilarious and I would love to get it on video.  I wouldn't even need to be close enough to hear what she's saying, her body mannerisms are very clear, lots of feet stomping, arm crossing, sometimes sitting on the ground & crying...  

Totally random subject, for all of those who have bought Kellan legos, don't fear your money wasn't well spent.  Since Christmas he spends hours a day doing legos.  He went through building his own creations for a month, but is back on track with creating everything over again from scratch.  Jim and I spend hours helping him find pieces.  If he's not at school or the pool these days he's in his room 5-6 hours a day doing legos.  Zoe knows how to get to him when she's mad at him or he's teasing her - she still bites him unfortunately, but realizes that breaking a recently completed structure into hundreds of pieces will also make him cry - hard.  

There's been a lot of Dexter talk these last few weeks.  Maybe it's because he's obviously on his way. I need to start writing down some of the things the kids say/ask.  They're very curious if he will look like them.  If he will like Disneyland - I'm sure he'll be disinherited if he doesn't.  We're still completely avoiding the question of how he's born.  They want to dress him, feed him, bathe him. I hope the novelty doesn't wear off before he gets here, it's looking like he may not need Jim or I.  Of course at this moment I can't think of anything funny...maybe the next post...

Hang in there papa Frankie - close to Kellan's heart and in his everyday strive to walk better/run faster, is the pride you gave him in telling him he taught you how to walk again.  There's nothing he's more proud of - keep it up.  

PS - maybe I'll get a video of Kellan when he doesn't say "poop".  My goal is to only film them once in any situation (as you can tell by the previously posted videos)- with that said, "poop" will most likely always be mentioned in the video, no editing done here.  Not the best video and I really have no idea what Zoe is saying, but I don't think anyone will care - you get a sense of the screaming that Jim loves.  

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the mom's out there - Happy Mother's Day.  We hope yours was full of pampering, a possible spa trip, sleeping in past 7 a.m.,  some well deserved R & R.  I was able to sleep til 7:30, clean a couple of bathrooms, did seven loads of laundry and finally got around to dusting our bedroom - exactly what I wanted to do.  We are all very lucky to have/had such wonderful mothers in our lives.  We are sorry we missed everyone. 

Besides cleaning, we made a trip to the pool and 31 Flavors (don't think I need to say whose idea the latter was).  Kellan has been so excited to show me how he can go down the "big" slide since he was able to pass his swim test.  Zoe even made it down the "froggy" slide a few dozen times.    

Pictures and vids all from the pool today (vid shots of Kellan a bit difficult to get) and as you can tell - Zoe is the more interested of the two in being photographed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Visit to WA

We made our last airline trip as a family of four in April to WA. Even though we now consider ourselves flight experts (maybe a travel book is in order?), we can't say it's gotten any easier. Zoe was a nightmare on the way home.  I won't go into any details, but there was a lot of kicking and screaming involved.  Luckily, Kellan was in the seat in front of her.  Our next trip in Sept won't be any easier with a newborn and a dog.  Not sure if I will feel worse for us or the other passengers.  

We visited the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin Monty and friends for a few days.  We had a really good time, lots of people to meet us at the airport,  Aunt Debi took a couple days off to play, we made a trip to the zoo and Seattle, saw Aunt Jessie in the midst of her finals, Uncle Mike and Amber, Brad and Reina.  We even had lots of sunshine and better yet we missed a huge snow storm here.     

Other than the pictures, I meant to post the video back on opening day, but as always a bit behind.  Most of you have heard this by now.  History behind it, Jim sings "Take me out to the ball game" with Zoe's Rockies hat on his head every night before she goes to bed.  She now sings it constantly and I mean constantly.  It's actually brought her out of her shell a bit and she will approach anyone as long as she can sing them the song.    

Kellan is back to swimming lessons and starts T-ball in a couple of weeks.  I just hit my 27th week of pregnancy and getting bigger by the day.  Jim enjoys telling me stories of people he talks to who have three kids and how difficult it is.  I'm still trying to come up with a great response.  If anyone has any suggestions - PLEASE let me know.