We made our last airline trip as a family of four in April to WA. Even though we now consider ourselves flight experts (maybe a travel book is in order?), we can't say it's gotten any easier. Zoe was a nightmare on the way home. I won't go into any details, but there was a lot of kicking and screaming involved. Luckily, Kellan was in the seat in front of her. Our next trip in Sept won't be any easier with a newborn and a dog. Not sure if I will feel worse for us or the other passengers.
We visited the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin Monty and friends for a few days. We had a really good time, lots of people to meet us at the airport, Aunt Debi took a couple days off to play, we made a trip to the zoo and Seattle, saw Aunt Jessie in the midst of her finals, Uncle Mike and Amber, Brad and Reina. We even had lots of sunshine and better yet we missed a huge snow storm here.
Other than the pictures, I meant to post the video back on opening day, but as always a bit behind. Most of you have heard this by now. History behind it, Jim sings "Take me out to the ball game" with Zoe's Rockies hat on his head every night before she goes to bed. She now sings it constantly and I mean constantly. It's actually brought her out of her shell a bit and she will approach anyone as long as she can sing them the song.
Kellan is back to swimming lessons and starts T-ball in a couple of weeks. I just hit my 27th week of pregnancy and getting bigger by the day. Jim enjoys telling me stories of people he talks to who have three kids and how difficult it is. I'm still trying to come up with a great response. If anyone has any suggestions - PLEASE let me know.
It was great to see you guys!! And thanks for letting us join you all for dinner! Love the picture of your dad and the kids. Also, the video brought on some big smiles and excitement to a certain little someone over here (Zoe and Kellan have quite the fan in Reina).