We're finally getting the kids in bed by 8:30 vs. 9:00 - the two of them basically just pass out. Otherwise Jim and I are happy to get some Rockie game watching in on TV, glad they're doing well. I'm spending many extra hours working trying to tie up all the loose ends, but no sooner do I get something done one more thing lands on my plate. Still hanging in there, very low on energy, but glad Dexter's staying put (though I'm pretty much over making it until my last day of work on 7-31).
Kellan had a 4 month check up for his legs. We were all very anxious. We were hoping to hear he didn't need to wear his night braces anymore. It's been a long haul and he's been great, but is done with them. We gave him a one night a week break the last few weeks leading up to the appointment. Unfortunately, as great as the doctor says he's doing, she's still worried without the day braces and the weekly pt sessions he's still not quite strong enough to sustain a growth spurt. So we go back in 4-6 months, hoping he grows and is strong enough to support all his progress - and then the braces will come off. We were all disappointed. Kellan has a calendar in his room and looks forward to picking a night each week where he doesn't have to wear them.

Not a whole lot of picture taking. I'll take some soon - it will be evident which child has Jim's nice, easy tanned skin, compared to other who is as white as I am (though I have a bit of a tan going). The videos are some I haven't gotten around to posting until now, including Jim pitching to Kellan for T-ball. Enjoy!
Zoe "helping" me put away Dexter's clothes.
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