Sunday, December 6, 2009

Retraction from last blog

Yes, I do know Jim is 38 and not 37...though I read the title a few times and never realized the mistake. Not much going on here. We took the kids to see Disney on Ice Friday night. It was a late night, it didn't start until 7:30. Dexter was awake the entire time. He was great, probably better than the other two, though at times that's not saying much. All three of them slept until 8 am on Sunday, Jim and I didn't know what to do...

There has only been one topic of conversation lately - Zoe's birthday. We cannot wait until it is over (X-mas too for that matter).

We had more snow this weekend. I can't believe it is not even winter yet. I have a feeling it will be a long one. That's all for now...

1 comment:

  1. Tara, Just wanted to tell you all how beautiful the kids are! All of them! WOW! I can't believe how big they're getting! Dexter looks so 'mature'...and HAPPY! I hope you enjoy your time with your Mom there, and that Zoe has a wonderful birthday! And good job Kellan for 'losing' the braces!!! That's a day everyone has been waiting for! They all look happy...hope all is well in CO and you are able to stay warm these days! As you know, it's been cold here also. Hello to Jim and all the family,
    Susan Bettyas
