Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Big 5 B-Day Monty!

We can't believe Monty Pope is 5 years old. Wish we could be there to celebrate! Love & miss you! Instead you get this video that we just realized we could do on the computer (Dexter just got back from the doctor w/a double ear infection). Your present will be in the mail soon, of course late. Sorry buddy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello Again

Happy for warm weather!

It's been awhile since our last post. Things have been crazy, but more so it was because I was really sick and tried to work through it for a week, which made me worse. I spent a week sleeping in the basement since I coughed 24 hrs a day. I even went to the doctor and got antibiotics which says a lot for me. Luckily, it was a good sleeping week for the kids since Jim got full day/night shift.

Zoe's last day of school is on June 1st. Most of the kids, in fact I think all but one, are going on to kindergarten, so she's been a bit sad. Hopefully her class for next year will have kids that will be moving on with her. Her and Jim started "cooking" classes a couple Fridays ago. The first Friday I was home sick and I watched Dexter. This past Friday he went to the day care at the recreation center where they take the class. It was the first time he was away from us, and he cried :( He never cries.

Kellan started baseball; practices twice a week until his first game on June 5th. Jim is coaching again this year. Their name is the "Vipers". It's coach pitch...from 40 ft away. It's hard for us to imagine the kids are going to hit the ball, but they're doing well.

I don't think Dexter's hit anymore milestones. He'll free stand for a moment or two before he realizes he's not holding on to anything then will drop to the floor. He also learned how to go down the stairs. It's pretty funny he just slides down on his stomach. I have never seen a kid (at least compared to the other two) who plays so well by himself and I mean for an hour he will just go from toy to toy, room to room entertaining himself. He really enjoys cheese.

Showing off her gymnastics moves. Ouch.
Eating carrots.
"Let me out"

"They always have to touch me"
Someone can't keep her hands off of him...and it's not always with the best intentions.

Duke's first time (in his life) in the front yard. We got him a long leash. He really didn't seem to care.

Last Kid's Quote
Any time Jim eats something from a restaurant:
Kellan: "It's like man vs. food"

Dexter's way of letting us know he's "all done" and spitting out his food has not gotten least for him.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 In / 2 Out

A few milestones have been reached since our last post. Dexter had his 9 month birthday on the 27th. He's down a bit in the weight department, had a tough couple weeks teething and an ear infection. He's still doing great & doctor had no concerns. Now if Jim will just stop saying "He's going to be a little guy" - I'm OK with that, I really don't want him to get any bigger than he is now.

Weight - 17.5 lbs, 8%
Height - 28.5 inches, 55%

In addition to the big 9 mo, Dexter's bottom two teeth finally surfaced, he started in on some solid food, grew out of his bathtub and his infant car seat. The car seat has held all 5 Munholland kids, plus one of my friends, I don't think too many infant car seats see that kind of mileage. Any takers before we finally give it up? Oh, so sad, I'm not ready to give any of it up yet!
In the big kid bathtub

While Dexter gained two teeth, Kellan lost two one day.

We had to move Zoe's gymnastics class to Monday's at 4:30 since she will have pre-school four days a week starting in August. We had to jump at the chance to get her in so we had to switch sooner than later. I'm excited because now I can attend the last 30 minutes.

The weather here has been crazy. We had one nice weekend two weeks ago, followed by snow that same Friday. Kellan's school was even dismissed early because of it, more snow this week, today was OK, but snow in the forecast for Cinco de Mayo. We made it back to the pool for the first time in awhile. Hard to believe our outside pool will open in three weeks even though it's so cold still.

The kids have been asking for Jim to make Ratatouille since they saw the movie years ago, well this was the weekend. How many people guess they ate this?

Last kid's quote

After Zoe took a poop and Jim entered the bathroom:
Zoe: "Welcome to my world."