...Dexter's 11 month birthday and our trip to CA came and went. As many pictures as we took we still have so few of some people and none of others (Papa Jim & G-Ma Lawna, Fred and Monica) :(, but as Kellan noted there are a lot of him and Dexter.
We all survived the airplane ride to and from. We got off to a bad start, when five minutes out from the airport Zoe announced she forgot her blanket bear. The blanket bear that goes everywhere with her. I don't know which of us wanted to cry more. We didn't have enough time to go back. Luckily she brought a couple other stuffed animals and we were able to calm her down. She did really well. In moments of tiredness she broke down, but so did we. Jim insisted on holding squirmy, little Dexter on both legs of the flight. He (Dexter) slept for maybe thirty minutes each way. This was Dexter's 4th and last flight of his first year. One more year of flying free.
We hit the Angels' game with a bunch of friends the first night there. It was nice to welcome Big Daddy Vladdy back to Anaheim. It was our first baseball game of the year, haven't made it to a Rockies game yet. Believe it or not, our first trip to CA without a visit to D-Land, but we did run into Mickey at Angel's stadium.
The next two days we spent at the beach. Unfortunately not the best of weather. The kids had a blast, though they tell me now they didn't like it becuase of the sand. Jeez, just can't win. That's ok, I had fun with Devin who seemed to enjoy the sand and waves as much as I did. We got to spend the nights with the family, Cam, Tiff, the girls and G-Ma Sue one night and Papa Jim, G-Ma Lawna and the all the Brady's the next night. Phoebe is as pretty as ever and Lyla is talking much more than the last time we saw (as pretty as ever too :)). She also enjoys her M & M's.

Friday, we hit Knott's Berry Farm's Soak City. It's the first time the kids have been to a water park and I think (at least for Kellan) it made up for not going to D-Land. We got to spend more time with Uncle Cam, Phoebe and G-Ma Sue. I even went down a slide, a lot of drama involved there since I absolutely hate heights. I figured if Zoe did it, I could...yah, not so much. Video of Zoe, Kellan, Cam, followed by Jim going down the slide I went down later. Let's just say the heavier you are, the further you go (see video). A big thank you to G-Ma Sue for lunch and helping us out with all of our hotel accomadations!
Needless to say we (Jim and I) are very tired (a week later). We have never been ones to sleep with the kids, every night I slept with Dexter which was a killer. He loved to kick me every so often to make sure I was still there. He managed to sleep in the car and stroller throughout the trip so he wasn't too worse for wear. We think he's happy to back in his crib, I know I am.
Saturday, Kellan and Zoe spent some alone time with G-Ma Sue (Zoe wouldn't have it any other way), while Jim and I tried to nap and drive Dexter around. We got to spend an hour here and there with the Weavers, in another year I think TK and Dexter will be the best of friends and seeing each other more will be a lot easier.
We spent all day on the 4th in Ladera Ranch. We drove Kellan around to all the places he "knew" as a baby. He could care less but Jim and I enjoyed remeniscing. It was another great day of fun in the sun at a bar-b-q with friends. The Engars out did themselves. Unfortunately, we did not make it late enough for fireworks.

Last Kid Quote
Jim put the 80's TV music channel on for his and the kids' listening pleasure. Kellan noticed the "80's" and asked...
Kellan: "What does that 80's mean?"
Jim: "That's when this music came out, back in the 80's."
Kellan: "Wow, that was a long time ago."