I can't believe it was a year. It was a long, long wait, but we finally made it back to CA. None of us wanted to come home. The trip flew by. Typically we're ready to get back home, but not this trip, it just left us wanting more - more family visits, more days at the beach, more In n Out (um, no, not really, at least for me). We had beautiful weather. I managed to get everyone sun burned on our last day - I'm over the spray sun screen, these kids need thick, thick lotion. It's becoming more obvious Zoe has the best eyes, now we can say the best skin - she got Jim's complexion while Kellan and Dexter got my pasty, white skin. Maybe it's good we only see sun a few months of the year?
Dexter kept up with all the kids. He was a nut as usual. He had such a great time and kept his great disposition through it all. Maybe it was his sleeping on my head and his kicking Jim in the back while he slept the entire trip that kept him content? Speaking of sleeping, we had wonderful accommodations. Jim and Lawna gave us their home, car and nights with the kids in "big bus."
We made the decision to keep Duke at home this trip. Typically we kennel him. Since he can barely walk we thought it was unfair for him to stay caged up for a week with no walks or playtime; plus with the cement floors he would have never been able to walk. Our neighbors came over 4+ times a day to visit and play with him. Unfortunately he still managed to make our family room and Dexter's room his own personal latrine. We had the carpet cleaners come the next day and the carpet was as good as new...until he peed two more times. We're just not quite sure what to do. The dog's mind is still there, his body has just gone to hell. Jim took him to the vet on my birthday before my flight out to dad's funeral - I had one request, bring the dog back alive. That was two months ago, not sure if he'll make it another two, not a day to look forward to. Ok, enough of that, on to pictures from the trip. I need to get better about taking candid pictures vs. posed, there are a lot of posed pictures here. I think I ended up in a record number this trip.
At G-Ma Lawna's & Papa Jim's |
When is it appropriate to explain the cousin relationship to Dexter? Major crush on Lyla - how could he not? She's so flipping cute. |
With G-Ma Sue at Soak City, with lunch courtesy of G-ma. |
I guess only one heard to make "funny faces." Thanks Uncle Cam |
Zoe couldn't have been happier. Anytime on the trip Dexter wanted to be in the water, at some point he always wanted Zoe to hold him...more of these pictures to follow. |
Pretty girls, pretty girls. |
Awe! If only we lived closer. I tell Dexter all the time T.K. is his best friend. |
Hanging with Papa |
With Helenmarie. Kellan got there, saw the bin of legos and said "I'm in heaven" |
Dancing w/their pants off |
At BBC for lunch. |
In Ladera Ranch. The Engars sponsored us twice this trip. We had a great time playing in the pool, fountains, yard. |
Dexter teasing the kids. |
The fountains Kellan used to play in 7 years ago |
At the Brady's. Another fun night of good food and family. Taking the boat out in the Harbor. |
Loved driving the boat. |
With cousin Shane. He was nice enough (and patient enough) to let all the kids drive. |
Meeting cousin Cohl for the first time. |
With Auntie Monica |
At G-Ma Sue's a second time. Having fun playing with all the toys, watching TV and just hanging out. |
Back at the Engars for the 4th of July |
With Bichel - and Zoe doesn't take pictures with just anyone |
Engar kids, Bichel kid, Watts kids, Weaver kids...etc |
At Huntington Beach. The kids loved the ocean. Zoe even got really brave. |
With Robert Engar |
With Jenna Engar and her cousin Christina |
Finally, not a goofy picture of Kellan. Not smiling of course. |
Dexter got very cuddly toward the end of the day - sun stroke? |