Nope, this is not a birthday blog for Dexter even though he's the big "2" today. We probably won't celebrate til this weekend, since we have tons of sibling things to do this week. Hopefully, this isn't an indication for future birthdays for the poor boy.
This is a posting however on meeting cousin Willow for the first time. We got really lucky and Tim, Debi, Monty and Willow went on a road trip and came and saw us for a few days. The kids were so excited to see and hold Willow. Dexter keeps saying "illow, illow." Thanks Aunt Debi for all the pictures!
Dexter was so excited to see Willow - she is the first baby he's really been around.
Zoe was so happy; Aunt Debi took her and Willow for a girl's only shopping trip. |
Napping in the shade |
Monty Pope |
I even got to hold her - such a sweet, sweet baby |
Born to cheer
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