Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dexter turns 2

Officially no more babies!  The last one is now a toddler - so sad! (at least I think so).  Dexter's obsessed with baseball - hitting, throwing, catching, sliding, pitching, making calls ("Foul ball", "Safe", "Hit", etc.) .  Anytime we turn on the TV he says "baseball game, baseball game."  And he means it.  He'll sit and watch for a bit and then whomever is around either gets a bat or a ball and a game begins in the family room.  He loves the pool, looking at pictures and watching family videos.

He had his 2 yr appointment last week - weighing in at a light 24.5 lbs (we've saved lots on clothes since he can still wear 12-8 month shorts), but he has sprouted up in height to over 36 inches (jumping from his typical 50 percentile to 90 percentile).  Unfortunately, for Jim he's still not taking too many naps these days. 

He now says his name, which you cannot understand at all, but cute as hell - something like "eserter ahlngsssss."  He's still polite and I may go as far as saying we can reason with him, something we still fail miserably at with Kellan & Zoe.  "Dexter will you put that down?" - "Why?" - "Becuase it's dangerous." - "Otay mommy, thank you mommy."  Don't get me wrong there are still tantrums, but mild.  He likes to say "Help" which is a lot of fun, especially if you are in another room.

I never got around to posting his birthday video from last year (or for that matter videos from the hospital), so here is a long running video (just over 8 minutes) but in BRIEF the first two years of Dexter's life...don't worry not all 24 months are accounted for.  Poor kid, not only did we give him his presents 5 days later, he still hasn't had cake and ice cream.  There may be another birthday blog in the coming weeks for that...

Click here for long 2 yr birhtday video

When he does sleep...
2 yrs of non-stop touching
Loves taking pictures with his old dog.  Yes, he does have a bad haircut right now - the "bowl" is not the look we are going for.

Last kid's quote:

Kellan talking to Dexter while he's throwing a tantrum:
Kellan: "You are acting like your girlfriend broke up with you."
Hopefully he wasn't talking from experience.

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