Thursday, September 1, 2011

8 is Great...

...well at least we hope so.  Not much has changed since last August 30th, maybe Kellan's added a couple of inches and lbs., he remains pretty consistent in personality, likes, dislikes  and appearance too.  He asked for an iPad for his birthday (he didn't get one; I'd love one too).  He has a personal one in his classroom which he'll get to bring home in the winter.   Legos reign, baseball is still his number one sport and he spends more time with his friends then his poor, old mom.   I thought I'd interview him for this blog - there was reluctance on his part, but I got a few facts out of him...nothing too exciting.

K E L L A N ' S  T O P 1 0

10) Favorite Movie - Despicable Me
  9) Favorite Song - I Gotta Feeling (The Black Eyed Peas)
  8) Favorite Subject - Math
  7) Favorite Holiday -  Christmas
  6) Favorite Place to Travel - DisneyWorld
  5) Favorite Thing To Do -  Play Legos (shocker)
  4) Favorite Baseball Position -  1st Base 
  3) Favorite Baseball Player - Troy Tulowitzski
  2) Favorite Lego Set(s) -  Harry Potter Diagon Alley & Star Wars Hoth Echo Base
  1) Best Asset....-   This one took awhile to answer:

Kellan - "What's an asset?" - "You mean my favorite Lego SET?" 
Mom - "No, your best quality" 
Kellan - "What?"
Mom -  "What's the best thing about you?" 
Kellan - "Oh, I'm nice."

I asked him at the very end - "Kellan is there anything you'd like to say?"  He lifted both arms up in the air (shirt off) - "Yes, I need to air my pits out." - "Do I have hairy pits?" - "I love pits"

Enough said.

Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7

Year 8 ... Coming next post (he doesn't like to take pictures anymore either)

Last Kid's Quote:

Kellan & Zoe a.m. conversation over a cereal box:
Zoe: (pointing at a cereal box) "That's your favorite football player."
Kellan: "Who, Peyton Manning? He stinks."
Dad: "Actually Peyton Manning doesn't stink, he's one of the best quarterbacks ever."
Kellan: "I mean when he toots."

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