Monday, September 26, 2011

DUKE - R.I.P. 10/01 - 9/11

"He's an easy dog to love, but a hard dog to like (sometimes)." - Jim Munholland III

I believed that quote for a long time, but in these last few months, I liked him a lot (maybe because he stopped jumping and licking excessively).  I have some guilt I wasn't always nicer to him.  Duke (a.k.a. "brown dog", "dukas aurelius") was Jim's 30th birthday present.  

When Kellan was born, Jim had to stop taking Duke for walks with them because he would go nuts if anyone came near.  He followed us from one home to the next - 4 in total.  To this day I swear he was tougher as a puppy then the kids were as babies - ok, maybe for not as long a period of time.  The dog managed to sniff out and destroy anything of worth I owned. He ate my leather, Coach briefcase - buckle and all (granted Kellan ate my Burberry purse).  Nothing could be left on the counters.  Chocolate didn't seem to kill, or even bother him. He had bad gas...often.  

Besides all his faults - he was such a good dog.  He put up with tons of tormenting from the kids and never, ever snapped at them; just sat patiently until they were done doing whatever they were doing.  He loved house guests, to their dismay.  Duke loved to perch on the stairs (see previous blog, but worth showing pictures again).  He was so protective of all of us.  It was hard to watch him these last few months limp around.   It was the first time we could ever have him off his leash and he loved just hanging in the front yard with us.  I have no doubt he was still a happy dog. 

Duke stories:

1) Duke failed obedience school.  On the day he was to graduate I came home and found that he had eaten his crap and then threw up all over the place.

2) Duke pooped on our X-mas tree (a real one) his first X-mas with us.

3) My brother, Tim, came and stayed with me when I was pregnant with Kellan.  Tim was lying on the floor in our family room, when Duke decided to lift his leg, and pee on him.

4) The night I was in labor and on our way to the hospital with Kellan, Duke ran away.  He was fast back then, my dad and Jim circled the neighborhood as I sat in the car wondering if Kellan was going to be born in the Expedition.  They eventually got him back.  Up until the last couple months, he bolted whenever he could - sometimes we didn't think he'd come back, but he always did.
August 2011
Jim had Duke put to sleep on Friday 9-16 while the kids were at school.  Jim left Dexter in the car when he took Duke in.  When he came out, Dexter asked "Duke, Duke?" - Jim said "Duke's bye-bye".  Dexter cried and cried, "No, no, Duke...Duke no bye-bye."  They got on the freeway 5 minutes later and Dexter said "Fish, fish" (for goldfish to eat), and that was the end of that.  Zoe took it the hardest, she's been so, so sweet to him lately.  She bawled on and off non-stop.  Kellan didn't seem to care, until we came home from dinner later that night and he saw the Duke pictures on the wall, at which point he completely lost it, followed by Zoe, followed by Dexter (copying his siblings), followed by me.  Poor Jim

There are a lot of pictures below, and there are a lot more - we didn't even have a digital camera back then.  He was our first "baby".  

My dad always loved Duke, I hope they're playing ball together free of their pain; missing us as much as we miss them.

...Fast forward to a week later since I wrote 90% of this last week, but never got it posted.  The kids talk about Duke with a smile on their faces (if they even talk about him at all), no more tears.  Jim and I are still adjusting to not having him around especially at night when it quiets down.  However we have learned from our mistakes and will not let our new Rottweiler "Monster" in the house, he's nice and comfortable in the backyard.

Before kids...
Everyone's buddy
We said he would never be allowed on the sofa...
Always the protector
We said he'd never be allowed on the bed...
Many posed pictures over the years
First Family picture, 2003
Kellan mastered the stairs at 5 months, we always wondered if it was to get to "his" dog
He traveled back and forth to WA with us many, many times
Another stair perch, another baby, with Zoe
Post Op.  It looked even worse in person
We said he would never be allowed on the "new" sofa in CO - this became his bed.  
Another house, another stair perch, another baby

Old dog
The leash was for looks...lounging in the front yard, free, free, free at last.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And fall begins - almost

Not much going on, but felt it was time for a post.  The kids are over a month into school. Dexter is sad to see "O-ie" leave each afternoon (she's in afternoon kindergarten) - or maybe he's sad not to be able to go to school too?  I was going to do a video montage of all the "first days" of school, until I realized the ones from last year along with about another 6 months of videos are gone from our computer.  So depressing.  Below is this year's video - Zoe's is very reminiscent of Kellan's first day of kindergarten video, with her watching on next to him. You need to watch it twice, one time to watch Zoe, the next time to watch Dexter, he's pretty cute (I just don't say that enough).   Zoe looks huge and so much more mature than Kellan at the time - big age difference, she's be far the oldest in her class, he's still one of the youngest.   

Other than school, Jim and I got out to a concert at Red Rocks, to see Soundgarden. It was a great show and one of the few nights it didn't rain, absolutely gorgeous at a beautiful venue.  

Kellan finished one season of baseball and is now three games into this season.  Much more competitive league and Jim is managing again.  Lots of return kids from the summer league so it's been fun.  We've begun Halloween costume discussions - so far we have a Broncos cheerleader (no, not Jim) , a skeleton, and ???? I'm sure more decisions and indecision to come on that note.  

Dexter likes to call everyone "That guy" - regardless of gender, species or mascot.  

I told Dexter to "clean off" his plate
Oh, No.
At least they remained sitting down...for now

Thursday, September 1, 2011

8 is Great...

...well at least we hope so.  Not much has changed since last August 30th, maybe Kellan's added a couple of inches and lbs., he remains pretty consistent in personality, likes, dislikes  and appearance too.  He asked for an iPad for his birthday (he didn't get one; I'd love one too).  He has a personal one in his classroom which he'll get to bring home in the winter.   Legos reign, baseball is still his number one sport and he spends more time with his friends then his poor, old mom.   I thought I'd interview him for this blog - there was reluctance on his part, but I got a few facts out of him...nothing too exciting.

K E L L A N ' S  T O P 1 0

10) Favorite Movie - Despicable Me
  9) Favorite Song - I Gotta Feeling (The Black Eyed Peas)
  8) Favorite Subject - Math
  7) Favorite Holiday -  Christmas
  6) Favorite Place to Travel - DisneyWorld
  5) Favorite Thing To Do -  Play Legos (shocker)
  4) Favorite Baseball Position -  1st Base 
  3) Favorite Baseball Player - Troy Tulowitzski
  2) Favorite Lego Set(s) -  Harry Potter Diagon Alley & Star Wars Hoth Echo Base
  1) Best Asset....-   This one took awhile to answer:

Kellan - "What's an asset?" - "You mean my favorite Lego SET?" 
Mom - "No, your best quality" 
Kellan - "What?"
Mom -  "What's the best thing about you?" 
Kellan - "Oh, I'm nice."

I asked him at the very end - "Kellan is there anything you'd like to say?"  He lifted both arms up in the air (shirt off) - "Yes, I need to air my pits out." - "Do I have hairy pits?" - "I love pits"

Enough said.

Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7

Year 8 ... Coming next post (he doesn't like to take pictures anymore either)

Last Kid's Quote:

Kellan & Zoe a.m. conversation over a cereal box:
Zoe: (pointing at a cereal box) "That's your favorite football player."
Kellan: "Who, Peyton Manning? He stinks."
Dad: "Actually Peyton Manning doesn't stink, he's one of the best quarterbacks ever."
Kellan: "I mean when he toots."