Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another Birthday Boy & 1st day of school

Kellan is now nine, even though I feel I've been saying it for months.  He wanted to get his haircut and we managed to talk him out of it.  Uncle Mike was here for a visit the weekend before and we all went to a teppan table for Kellan's birthday.  It was the first time the kids had been, and maybe the last time for Dexter.   Not a big fan of the fire.  

The traditional shrimp toss...nope he did not catch it
Bad fire, bad fire.  I promise, I consoled him after the picture.
What parent would let their 9 yr old pitch to their 6 yr old?  We did make her put on a helmet...see video
Batting Practice video

Mike doing his workout.  He's lucky Kellan didn't pee on him he was laughing so hard.
This lasted all of...
...and he was done, long enough to pose for one picture.

First day of school - see traditional 1st day of school video for commentary...
First day of school video

The kids are already in their 6th week (I think) of school.  Nothing too exciting to report on the school front.  Zoe's been talking about participating in the talent show at the end of the year.  I am having flashbacks of Sailing Away Sweet Sister, Karen and my stint in the talent show at age 7 with music by Queen. I have reasons to be concerned, other than the girl's maybe needing some choreography...worried about Zoes - her moves are a little more provacative then Karen and my front-ward be continued.  
Sad D on first day of school

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