Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dexter's 2 Month Birthday

Dexter has been smiling more than ever. Not so much last Thursday when he got five shots at his two month check-up. His stats: 23 inches (up two inches or so from birth), 10.1 lbs. Still at the 50% mark for height and jumped up from 25% to 50% for weight. Healthy, happy baby boy (other than at this moment when it's taking him hours to go to bed).

Lots of pictures below from the weekend. The picture of Zoe is with Chester the Raccoon (from pre-school). Each child gets to take Chester home for a visit and then write about the visit. She couldn't have been more excited, especially for a kid that's not really into stuffed animals.

Quick wart update. The warts blistered over, so we hope we're in good shape. Unfortunately the picture isn't all that great, Kellan lost patience with me (and really the picture doesn't do it justice on how disgusting it really is).

Excuse my annoying voice on one of the videos. I have no idea where I got the "wah, wah, wah" from, if it's from any of our readers I apologize, probably doesn't sound as annoying as it does from me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Slow week

As you can tell from the picture it's been a slow week at the Munholland's. This is the third attempt (one over the counter attempt) to remove Kellan's warts. Next stop is the dermatologist if this treatment doesn't work, but they're looking good, meaning they're looking bad. It was really painful for him, so we really hope this is the last time...

Zoe had a soccer game on Saturday (Kellan missed his because he was sick). Soccer went along the lines of swimming lessons - didn't happen. There was some hesitation when it came time to putting the uniform on. When it was time to put the cleats and shin guards on, all hell broke loose. So we put her in the car in her underwear and drove the .5 mile to the field. We spent the next 20 minutes trying to get her to get dressed and play, we went from begging, to bribing, to taking everything away from her she owns. We finally convinced her to go watch. She got in her uniform and did just that - watched. We've been lucky in that we can recoup our money, Jim was able to return all the gear, let's hope come Monday we can get our money back for the season. I think we will wait for extracuricular activities for Zoe until she's six. Below is the sequence of events from 1) I love my uniform (picture) 2) I hate my uniform and soccer (watch video, there was way better footage but it took us awhile to get the camera out) 3) I'll watch the other girls play soccer, but will not play (picture).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kellan's 1st Soccer Game

Kellan had his first soccer game on Saturday. He scored one of the team's two goals! He also was reprimanded by the other team's coach for tripping kids. We don't think it was malicious, but more Kellan falling trying to get the ball, bringing down his opponent at the same time (just so happened to be multiple times, multiple kids).

Kellan's typical stance, on and off the playing field...

We went to the pool on Sunday. Zoe decided to go in the lazy river where the water is over her head. All of a sudden I see her floating around, laughing hysterically. She had her life jacket on from crossing the logs earlier, but it still made me a wreck. The current is pretty strong in the "river" and it was crowded. She had a blast, bobbing along. On another note, we could not get her to go to swimming lessons this week. I even bribed her with toys. She said she's scared of going in the deep pool - huh? It may just be too much for her. We'll try again when she turns four.

Quiz - on the video, can you guess the WII sports game Zoe is playing? It was more entertaining in person where you can really see her facial expressions, enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Zoe's 1st swimming lesson

Zoe had her first swimming lesson this week. She is in the "advanced beginner" class. Sounds odd, but basically means she's never taken a lesson so she's a beginner but she will put her head under water, jump in the pool and knows pretty much how to swim already. She enjoyed the lesson and did well, but in true Zoe form said she doesn't want to do it anymore...we'll see how Monday's lesson goes.

Kellan had his six year old check-up on Wednesday. He's a healthy young boy. He's at the 50% mark for weight and 90% for height (puts him at about 6'1) - time will tell where he will ultimately end up. He also had two huge, nasty warts removed from his hand.

Dexter is growing like crazy. It's not his weight that seems so crazy, as his length. Over night he grew out of his newborn clothes and when he stretches the 0-3 month clothes seem to barely fit him. His sleeping pattern is still killing me. He sleeps from somewhere between 6pm and 7pm to 2am (though last night it was 3:30am), then back up around 5am and finally up for the morning at 7am. Definitely has to change before I go back to work in 5 weeks or I need to start going to bed at 6:30pm each night. The rest of the family will love that. Honestly can't complain, he's a really good, very sweet baby.

Below is a video I never posted. The kids love music and recognize a lot of songs from us playing our CD's in the car (which isn't always good). We were watching something on TV with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and they both started rocking out - it's a bit staged since I didn't have the camera when they were noted before, one child has a bit more rhythm than the other.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dexter's 1st Baseball Game

Dexter Rawlings's 1st baseball game - Denver, CO - Rockies vs. Reds, Labor Day September 7, 2009 (6 weeks old)

It had to happen - we had to take Dexter to his inaugural baseball game. We took Kellan at the same age and Zoe at about five months when the season started. We went on Labor Day, it was hot and our seats were in the sun. Dexter was a trooper. I can't say the same for the other two who wanted to get up and leave as soon as we sat down. Dexter had some lunch, then spent some time hanging out with his dad. Soon after, we walked around the park at which point Dexter fell asleep and slept until we got home. Our seats were finally in the shade the last few innings of the game and we were able to enjoy the rest of the game. The one thing we wanted to get was a great picture of Dexter at the game, unfortunately we forgot all about the "great shot" until we got in the car to go home. Hopefully the Rockies will make it to the post-season and we can take him to another game this year :)

The below picture doesn't really show how impressive I was here - I have Dexter shaded in a blanket, sweating to death, giving him a bottle (the first one he's ever taken from me) all while eating a hot dog. It was a proud moment.

Zoe Brooklyn's first baseball game - Seattle, WA - Mariners vs. Angels (Opening Day, April 2006)

Kellan James's first baseball game - Anaheim, CA, September 28, 2003 (almost 1 mo old)

You will find me reprimanding Kellan in one of the videos because he had this straw he kept blowing spit through - disgusting.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grandma Lawna & Papa Jim meet Dexter

We ended last week with me surviving three nights and two days with three kids while Jim was in CA. Other than the typical fighting the kids were good.
Friday night we went to the airport to pick up Grandma Lawna and Papa Jim for their weekend visit. The kids and grandparents went toy shopping on Saturday followed by a three hour night at Chuck E. Cheese. Jim, Dexter and I went for our first dinner out in awhile. Sunday we didn't do too much but ended the day at Uncle Tom and Aunt Jan's house. The kids swam in the spa for hours. It was a quick but really fun trip and we were sad to see more people leave us.