Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dexter's 2 Month Birthday

Dexter has been smiling more than ever. Not so much last Thursday when he got five shots at his two month check-up. His stats: 23 inches (up two inches or so from birth), 10.1 lbs. Still at the 50% mark for height and jumped up from 25% to 50% for weight. Healthy, happy baby boy (other than at this moment when it's taking him hours to go to bed).

Lots of pictures below from the weekend. The picture of Zoe is with Chester the Raccoon (from pre-school). Each child gets to take Chester home for a visit and then write about the visit. She couldn't have been more excited, especially for a kid that's not really into stuffed animals.

Quick wart update. The warts blistered over, so we hope we're in good shape. Unfortunately the picture isn't all that great, Kellan lost patience with me (and really the picture doesn't do it justice on how disgusting it really is).

Excuse my annoying voice on one of the videos. I have no idea where I got the "wah, wah, wah" from, if it's from any of our readers I apologize, probably doesn't sound as annoying as it does from me.

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