Dexter Rawlings's 1st baseball game - Denver, CO - Rockies vs. Reds, Labor Day September 7, 2009 (6 weeks old)
It had to happen - we had to take Dexter to his inaugural baseball game. We took Kellan at the same age and Zoe at about five months when the season started. We went on Labor Day, it was hot and our seats were in the sun. Dexter was a trooper. I can't say the same for the other two who wanted to get up and leave as soon as we sat down. Dexter had some lunch, then spent some time hanging out with his dad. Soon after, we walked around the park at which point Dexter fell asleep and slept until we got home. Our seats were finally in the shade the last few innings of the game and we were able to enjoy the rest of the game. The one thing we wanted to get was a great picture of Dexter at the game, unfortunately we forgot all about the "great shot" until we got in the car to go home. Hopefully the Rockies will make it to the post-season and we can take him to another game this year :)
The below picture doesn't really show how impressive I was here - I have Dexter shaded in a blanket, sweating to death, giving him a bottle (the first one he's ever taken from me) all while eating a hot dog. It was a proud moment.
Zoe Brooklyn's first baseball game - Seattle, WA - Mariners vs. Angels (Opening Day, April 2006)

Kellan James's first baseball game - Anaheim, CA, September 28, 2003 (almost 1 mo old)
You will find me reprimanding Kellan in one of the videos because he had this straw he kept blowing spit through - disgusting.
I just reviewed the entire blog once again, I'm more impressed than ever. Don't get discouraged by the lack of response and the small numbers. Like you know who, in the movie what's its name, if you build it and you write it, they'll come down through the ages and i not, the hell with them all, because you'll enjoy it more and more every time you look at it and read it. Remember, that first trip to the balprk with Kellan, oh yeah, you did remember that. You've motivated me to get into the movie business. Have you given any thought to an invitational section. Maybe not you brothers, but maybe their spouses.I've loved and enjoyed each post inclusive of my grand daughter's joke. I'd have to go back up to remember Kellan's first contribution to the dictionary of life. I've got to stop, I'm sitting on the back dock and enjoying one of the nicest days of the years. You'll have your socks blown off shortly when I'm free to post MRI positive results. Keep the faith for you and for your children. Isn't nice when an od fart like me gets to say and mean "I've never met a memeber of my family I didn't like, but even more importantly love" What great people, I feel so sad for others who don't have that.