A lot of happenings over the last couple of weeks. I think we are all finally healthy, a bit sleep deprived, but no more hacking. Dexter had to take two different antibiotics for his ear infection.
Jim went on this summer's baseball trip two weekends ago. He and his friend, Chris, went to Kansas City then drove to St. Louis. Other than Jim being sick, they had a great time. In the mean time, I survived four days, three nights with the kids. I told Jim he was fired when he came home, I'd much rather have his job. I guess, easy for me to say after a few days vs. seven years. The kids were great, Dexter had one bad night, but him and Zoe let me nap the next day. I think it was the first time I've had four days in a row off, without being sick and without going on an airplane. It was very nice.
Kellan had his first baseball game. Unfortunately Jim missed it since he was out of town. They won in grand fashion. I was thoroughly impressed with the huge strides they made from playing last year - they actually could field and knew where to make plays. Their second game only went a couple of innings due to thunder and lightning, the third game was rained out. We're going to be playing baseball all summer at this rate.
Zoe finished her first year at pre-school. The school had a two and a half hour party after school. It was mostly for the kids going on to kindergarten. Sad for Zoe since she's only one of a few kids staying back another year. Her "best" friends all graduated. She will be by far one of the biggest kids, most people were shocked she's only four and a half.
We finally turned the air condition on...for a week. This weekend we had hail and fifty degree temps. Will it ever stop? We're back to 80's and 90's this week.
I feel like I have lots of funny stories, but as usual none come to mind. Dexter is becoming more and more independent by the day. I can't believe his first birthday is right around the corner. Still no first steps. He's a crazy little eater, loves to be outside and go swimming, and I dare to say back to sleeping through the night now that his ears have cleared (I'm sure I just jinxed us).
Happy to see Dad after his trip. Mean mom makes him cry when it's nap time. I think he was very happy to see Daddy. Definitely a time I'll never forget.

Nacho picnic.
I think this may be the only picture I have of Dexter sleeping since he was an infant. We had to wake him up to go somewhere so figured I'd sneak a picture first. We were going to Zoe's cooking class which was canceled, but we were never called. Now I know how Jim and all the other parents feel about having to wake a sleeping baby. I was so mad since he was still a sick little guy.

How can one look so happy and the other look so scared?
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