Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Vacation Trip #1: WA

We made a quick trip to Tacoma a couple weeks back. Jim, Zoe, & Dexter went out on a Wednesday then Kellan and I took off Thursday after work/school. Kellan had Friday off school which was the deciding factor in the trip. It was a whirlwind, as usual and I didn't get many pictures taken of anyone other than (Dexter as usual). Not even one of gramps this trip.

Coincidentally it was my 20 yr high school reunion. It was great to see old friends, which I infrequently get to do on trips back to WA. Thanks to Debi, Tim, & G-ma for watching the little hellions all day/night since Jim flew out Sat. night to be back in time to coach baseball on Sunday; which left me with the three to travel with on Sunday. It was an adventure; all in all they were pretty good. People say kids get easier as they get older for certain reasons - I've got to say Dexter continues to be the easiest of the three, especially with traveling. Go figure none of them slept, which OK, maybe was tough with Dexter since he was confined to my lap, between Kellan & Zoe. Unfortunately, like previous flights Dexter is now 3 for 5 with ear infections on our return. We missed seeing Uncle Mike & Aunt Jessie.

At one of our favorite places to visit - Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

Last Kid's Quote

Because there can never be enough bathroom quotes...

Zoe running toward the bathroom. Kellan coming out of the bathroom (after a long time).

Kellan: "Where's Zoe going?"

Me: "To the bathroom."

Kellan: "She's going to feel my pain."


  1. Looks like you guys had a good visit. The kids are sooo cute!! Hope to get to see you all next time! (Your blog wasn't updating on my blog reader so I was behind, I think I just read like 6 months worth of posts!)

  2. I'm so proud of each and everyone of you every time I read your blog, Not only am I excited by what I read which I think is great, but what is there between the lines. It always makes me want to pray harder for all the families of the world who don't experience that kind of love which would put smiles on their faces. I can't provide for all the others but I can continue to be thankful for the love you experience with each other. For now, I'll settle in the knowledge that love begets love. Hang in there and look forward to seeing the star above your home and His presence renewed again in your lives.
