Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ralph Wiggum

If Dexter were a Simpson's character...

Jim has a new nickname for Dexter - "Wiggum." If you've seen The Simpsons, you have at one point seen Ralph Wiggum. Dexter's first phrase will most likely be "I'm Idaho" since Jim loves to say that to Dexter.

Dexter's first "words" are below. We can no longer say "bath" - we all, including Zoe, now spell it. Kellan, Zoe and I had to give Dexter a bath Saturday morning because I said the word, he ran to his room, got his towel and headed up to the tub. The boy loves his bath. We also blew it by letting him walk around the house eating. His new favorite thing to do is give himself a bite and give Duke the rest.

Baf = Bath
Duh = Duke
Mommie = Mommie
Da = Dad
Me, Me = He wants something

The kids are back to school Monday. They've been out for three weeks now. I thought winter was for sure here, but we got lucky and have seen some fall weather, even a day or two in the 80's. They've been playing outside every night and are typically the last two to come home.

Last Kid's Quote

After Kellan watched the "Stand-Up to Cancer" marketing campaign commercial on TV.

"How is standing-up going to help cure cancer?"

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