Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy 40th Birthday Uncle Mike!

Dear Uncle Mike,

We hope 40 is your best year yet.  We wish we could celebrate your birthday with you.  

Top 10 things we love about our Uncle Mike

  1. He throws us up in the air
  2. He has a dog
  3. He lives in Washington DC (not because it's far away, but because it's a cool place, not that we have ever been there and would know)
  4. He farts a lot (you knew that one was coming)
  5. He's strong
  6. He's nice
  7. He cares about people
  8. He's a friend to all
  9. He married Aunt Jessie
  10. and...he has a really cool sister
Click here for Happy Birthday Video

(I had high hopes for this blog: pictures of Uncle Mike over the years, funny quotes, fond memories, but I didn't quite it all together, maybe it will be like the X-mas blog and it will be a 40.5 year birthday post)

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