It's that time of the year when I am lucky I am so far behind on posts, since not a whole lot has been going on. I'll save the annual commentary on the time of the year, as I feel if I read back on posts it will be more of the same. We are all stir crazy. The weather has been really mild this winter, up until the last week when it's snowed enough to finally be really cold and allowed the kids to go sledding. Today it was more like "mudding" since there was still snow on the ground, but it was about 65 so the snow was melting as fast as they were all sledding.
Dexter's hit a couple milestones. He's potty trained! Another one of those bittersweet moments for me - don't get me wrong I'm not going to miss changing diapers, but it's one more thing that makes my baby that much older. He's older than three and a half now, the same age Kellan was one when we moved to Colorado and the same age Zoe was when he was born. How different they all seem at the same age. Dexter started "Play School" twice a week (it's not really called that, but D likes to hear the word "school" in the title). We thought it would be a good introduction to socializing with kid's his age. His relationship with Kellan, Zoe and all their friends and neighbors is a little mature and...violent (at times). Go figure his days at Play School have been tackling the coaches (instructors). The coaches kind of encourage it. Jim took one of them aside this week and basically told him we are trying to discourage him tackling people since he will be starting pre-school at the end of the summer and we'd rather him not tackle Ms Peg his first day.
Jim's been checking out the Brady Bunch from the library. The kids LOVE it. We're two discs into season 3. I don't know what I'm going to do when we are done watching it; I'm going to have to milk the last two seasons until Spring. It's the only thing which distracts them all long enough to stop fighting.
Kellan and Jim were supposed to start baseball practices last week. I guess there was some mis-communication about practices. They were supposed to practice indoors, turns out there's a fee and wait list involved with it...with the snow they missed their first week of practices. Unfortunately, this week isn't looking much different. Jim's shoulder is worse than it was pre-surgery. Two cortisone shots later we are hoping for improvement...or a second opinion.
G-ma Chloe spent a week in D.C. with Mike and Jessie. She was down for the count most of the trip. She hasn't stopped hacking since she's been back (that was in Jan.). Dexter 's been the same. We took him to the doc and turns out he has bronchitis. We made G-ma go with that in mind, and turns out she has the same. Hopefully that's the end of the hacking for awhile. G-ma's house is going through escrow, a few bumps along the way, but it's due to close at the end of March/early April. We're planning a trip to finish cleaning it out at the end of the month. Another bittersweet moment...
Oh, and I tried hard for everyone to give me his/her New Year's Resolution, just one...they were all very obnoxious and not worth giving any time to. I have many of course. One was to have a "Happy Hour" a few times a week. I know, coming from me most people think that's probably me going to happy hour a few times a week. Instead I had this great idea; during dinner for thirty minutes (figured I wouldn't start with an hour), I would turn on music, cook dinner (ok that never really panned out either, microwave dinner) and have the kid's participate in happy conversations, we would all just be happy. I tried. I tried on multiple occasions. We never made it past the ten minute mark on any night. Next year my New Year's Resolution is going to be "Accept/Embrace the Fighting". Honestly, I may be setting myself up for failure with that one too.
The kids got everything they wanted plus more for Christmas. If I asked them today what they got they probably couldn't name more than a couple of things.
Christmas Eve at Tom and Jan's |
Zoe's letter to Santa. Note: Zoe didn't request anything, it was purely a Thank You letter. |
Kellan's letter to Santa. Note: Kellan had a couple last minute requests... |
A brief moment Zoe thought she didn't get something she wanted |
A surprise "Barbie" house. |
Dexter can't even see the top floor. We've since moved it out of the dining room and upstairs to the loft. |
Meeting Cousin Camila |
Valentine's Day |
I walked in the door from work one day to total silence and thought something very bad had happened. I guess it depends on how you look at it, maybe something really bad has happened? There wasn't even a Hello for their old mom, though there also wasn't any fighting...maybe not so bad?
Last Kid's Quote:
Dexter, observing (for a long time) the skeleton Halloween decorations in the house:
"Mommy, the skeleton has no penis, why does the skeleton have no penis?"
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