Sunday, October 25, 2009

Party Weekend

We all survived the week, some better than others. It was nice to have two days in a row off. I had forgotten what it meant to care about the day of the week...Friday didn't come soon enough. Work really was fine, I just missed spending so much time with the family. It has snowed non-stop this week though only about a foot stayed on the ground.

This weekend was filled with parties: the annual Halloween block party, which the kids love and were so excited to wear their costumes and Zoe attended her first birthday party. I was invited to attend with her, but she wanted to go by herself. She had a great time. They did make-up and hair. She even bought a party dress - and actually wore it!!!

Zoe as the "nice" witch and Kellan as Indiana Jones.

Zoe showing off her make-up. Dressed for summer as the snow is falling.

There's been Angel's fever in our house, especially since the Rockies got knocked out of the playoffs. Lots of baseball on the TV which has been cramping the kid's TV watching. Typically we'd send them up to our room to watch something, but after coming home from WA and using their DVD players on the plane they had a better idea. We're already practicing all being in the same room and not talking to each other.

Go Angels!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Today meant a return to work for me, return to school for Kellan and Dexter's 12 week birthday.

Zoe had a tough day adjusting to both me and Kellan being gone. Dexter struggled some with feedings and the long day meant only me seeing him for about an hour this evening. Jim survived and hopefully everyone falls into the new routine soon

Dexter was nice to let me sleep last night; only got up at 2:30 and then at 6:00 in time for me to feed him and still get to work by 7:30. Work hasn't changed much, it was good to see everyone and I had a slow day back which was nice. Happy to have a job for a great company with a short commute. Still would be nice to win the lotto and retire :)

Kellan had a good day back as well. He's excited for all the fall activities, Halloween, parades, festivals, etc. Not any mention of academics.

I had a Kid Quote from Zoe but it has led to many other quotes of the same nature so I'll list them below. Unfortunately for me it's not a good subject. Not sure where she got it from and hopefully it's not a premonition.

Me: "Zoe, guess what?"
Zoe: "You are going to die?"

Zoe: "Mom, where's your necklace"
Me: "Upstairs"
Zoe: "Can I have it when you die?"

Zoe: "Mom, look I'm wearing your shoes, but they don't fit"
Me: "They'll fit some day"
Zoe: "After you die?"

Zoe: "Mom, you're going to die, but I'm not"

This has been going on for a couple weeks now, maybe she's equating my going back to work to dying? Regardless, I'll be happy when she's over the topic.

Sunday was a beautiful day, in the 80's, and we spent it outside.

Go Angels!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Strong Disturbance in the Force

It turned out that my work didn't expect me back until Monday, so I went ahead and took the rest of this week off. Yay! Dexter had a couple rough nights so it ended up being a very good thing. Last night he slept for 10 hours so we are hoping we're getting back to "normal." He continues to change by the day.

Kellan is really into Star Wars these days - Legos, video game, and watched all but two of the movies this past week. Last weekend at Pottery Barn Kids a few of the characters were visiting. Zoe was disappointed Princess Leia wasn't there. An hour later at lunch she figured she knew where she was (see quote). I tried to convince the kids looking at the guys up close was enough, but we ended up waiting in line for an hour to spend one minute with the guys and get the below pictures.

Grandma Sue's cousin, Wanda, from CA was in CO visiting a friend and stopped by our house. The last time we saw Wanda was ten years ago at our wedding. It was fun to catch-up after all these years.

If anyone has seen all the infamous pictures of Kellan and Zoe in the tub, there will be more and more of Dexter over the next few months. It's one of those venues where you can really see the change in him (at least to me). I know these all look the same, but he looks so cute (again, at least to me :))

Can you find the real baby?

Monday, October 12, 2009

WA Trip

I feel really bad it's taken me this long to post. It's been a crazy couple of weeks and still a bit chaotic. I won't talk about having to go back to work in less than 48 hours :( - I'll save that for a later post.

We spent the end of Sept and early Oct in WA. We had a great visit. We saw the family and some friends, but even with ten days it still wasn't enough time to do everything. The first few days the "other" Uncle Tim and Aunt Karen were visiting from the east coast. It was fun to catch up and have some much needed adult conversation. Kellan was on fire, a total nut. I'll cut him a bit of slack since both kids were so, so excited to finally be in WA and see everyone. I am sure Uncle Tim (my bro) is glad playing shredder is done for awhile. The weather was beautiful in WA, though we came home to snow and a 55 degree house.

We reached a few milestones while we were in WA; Papa Frankie remains stable with his cancer, huge accomplishment for all involved (especially him), Dexter's baptism (see photos and video), and last, but certainly not least celebrating our 10 year anniversary...on a plane. The kids were great on both flights. I was a bit stressed since on both flights Dexter was awake the entire flight - what baby doesn't sleep on a flight? He was very good, just sat there and kicked around.

Most of the pictures below were taken by Zoe...

Grandpa taking his longest walk in 4 years.

Check out Kellan's face. Zoe made him pose with her new doll "Sally" I don't know who looks scarier - Kellan or Sally.

How we ended our 10 year anniversary with beer in our toasting glasses from our wedding. We are pleased they are as tacky as they were 10 years ago, courtesy of Medieval Times.