Monday, October 19, 2009


Today meant a return to work for me, return to school for Kellan and Dexter's 12 week birthday.

Zoe had a tough day adjusting to both me and Kellan being gone. Dexter struggled some with feedings and the long day meant only me seeing him for about an hour this evening. Jim survived and hopefully everyone falls into the new routine soon

Dexter was nice to let me sleep last night; only got up at 2:30 and then at 6:00 in time for me to feed him and still get to work by 7:30. Work hasn't changed much, it was good to see everyone and I had a slow day back which was nice. Happy to have a job for a great company with a short commute. Still would be nice to win the lotto and retire :)

Kellan had a good day back as well. He's excited for all the fall activities, Halloween, parades, festivals, etc. Not any mention of academics.

I had a Kid Quote from Zoe but it has led to many other quotes of the same nature so I'll list them below. Unfortunately for me it's not a good subject. Not sure where she got it from and hopefully it's not a premonition.

Me: "Zoe, guess what?"
Zoe: "You are going to die?"

Zoe: "Mom, where's your necklace"
Me: "Upstairs"
Zoe: "Can I have it when you die?"

Zoe: "Mom, look I'm wearing your shoes, but they don't fit"
Me: "They'll fit some day"
Zoe: "After you die?"

Zoe: "Mom, you're going to die, but I'm not"

This has been going on for a couple weeks now, maybe she's equating my going back to work to dying? Regardless, I'll be happy when she's over the topic.

Sunday was a beautiful day, in the 80's, and we spent it outside.

Go Angels!

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