Friday, October 16, 2009

Strong Disturbance in the Force

It turned out that my work didn't expect me back until Monday, so I went ahead and took the rest of this week off. Yay! Dexter had a couple rough nights so it ended up being a very good thing. Last night he slept for 10 hours so we are hoping we're getting back to "normal." He continues to change by the day.

Kellan is really into Star Wars these days - Legos, video game, and watched all but two of the movies this past week. Last weekend at Pottery Barn Kids a few of the characters were visiting. Zoe was disappointed Princess Leia wasn't there. An hour later at lunch she figured she knew where she was (see quote). I tried to convince the kids looking at the guys up close was enough, but we ended up waiting in line for an hour to spend one minute with the guys and get the below pictures.

Grandma Sue's cousin, Wanda, from CA was in CO visiting a friend and stopped by our house. The last time we saw Wanda was ten years ago at our wedding. It was fun to catch-up after all these years.

If anyone has seen all the infamous pictures of Kellan and Zoe in the tub, there will be more and more of Dexter over the next few months. It's one of those venues where you can really see the change in him (at least to me). I know these all look the same, but he looks so cute (again, at least to me :))

Can you find the real baby?

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