Monday, November 23, 2009

Mo in CO

I'm a week late with this post. Last week Aunt Devi (as Zoe calls her) and Monty came to visit. It was another trip of not doing much, but still a great trip. Not sure what it is with people visiting and the snow, but it snowed again. Aunt Devi now needs a vacation from her "vacation" since she played non-stop with the kids. The kids were all exhausted by the end of the trip. For anyone who knows Monty, they know he is the sweetest, cutest kid ever. Even when he doesn't want to do something he still is soo good (Tim and Debi I am sure have examples of his wrong doings, but that would be news to us :)) The video below documents such a case - Monty not big on eating vegetables, yet still makes an effort.

As far as sweet kids go, ours got accolades this week at school. Kellan's teacher called us during the day with Kellan by her side saying what a great job he did at school (it was only one of three calls she's made since school started in July). His report card reflected where he should be as a first grader. Zoe's teacher told Jim, when he picked her up, that a girl in her class was having a bad day and Zoe went over, took her aside and played with her. The girl's mood perked up. I can only "brag" about these moments since from the way they behave at home we worry they may be hell in school - we can live with the craziness at home as long as they keep up the sweetest in public.

I am tired and I am typing this blog as if I am tired. We are counting down the days to Dexter's four month birthday to put him on some solids and hope for a night where he will sleep until morning. He's come close, but then will be up three times the next night. I'm still managing to get to work by eight not without needing a nap in a big way. He's still the happiest little guy which makes it all worthwhile :)

If I don't post again before the end of the week, Happy Thanksgiving!

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