Sunday, November 15, 2009


Since Kellan was eight weeks old he's been in and out of physical therapy. First for torticolis and then since the age of two for his toe walking. After years of physical therapy, braces, botox injections, casting, surgery, more casting, more physical therapy, braces full time to braces just at night - Kellan has the range of a "normal" kid his age. At his one year anniversary from his surgery, his doctor released him from wearing his braces and doesn't want to see him for another year. She still warned us that there's potential of his muscles tightening with another growth spurt and he may need to wear the braces again. The last thing she said to us was that she's treating another family with two boys, both toe walkers. We're not going to think about that right now and just be happy with the progress Kellan has made. We couldn't be more proud of Kellan through all of this. He has been a fantastic patient and has worn his braces willingly, he's been a real trooper.

With all the craziness of this last month we forgot to mention Duke's birthday. He's now eight years old. Enjoy the pictures of him over the years with the kids. Duke's favorite perch has always been the landing of the CA, WA and CO

Kellan and Duke in CA
Zoe and Duke in WA

Dexter in Duke in CO (a little heavier and a lot more grey...aren't we all)

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