Monday, August 31, 2009

Kellan's 6th Birthday

One of our favorite pictures of Kellan at his first baseball game - 4 weeks old.

Our other baby boy is now six. We went to the Children's Museum and Red Robin on Sat. We knew as soon as he opened his gifts on Sunday he pretty much would not want to do anything but play - we were right, but we did make it out to dinner with Uncle Tom and Aunt Jan. Kellan loved all is presents and phone call birthday wishes.

At the Children's Museum

Dexter is sleeping 7-8 hours at a time now. If I could only get him to do it from 8pm - 5am...typically I am getting up between 12-1am for at least an hour and then again between 3-4 for an hour. Tired to say the least. Dexter also celebrated his one month birthday last week.

Kellan starts soccer Tuesday and Jim is back to playing softball on Monday nights. I'm not doing much but getting up with the kids in the morning, walking back and forth from school and taking a nap and shower every other day. Loving the simple life.

I am going to attempt to start a new segment on the blog - "Kid's Quote." Like all kids these guys say some pretty funny things. I rarely remember them, but know there's something said almost daily that brings a smile to my face. I figure if I am under some pressure to share, maybe I'll start remembering and writing things down. Some are going to be old quotes folks have already heard, otherwise I will try and be original. The quote for this post is in honor of Kellan's birthday, an oldie - not so much a quote but something Kellan used to always say. It took us years to find out what he was finally saying...(see upper right top of blog for quote).

I have some videos to post but am experiencing technical difficulties, for the sake of getting this blog done I'll hold off on the vids.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fairly Uneventful

Not much going on this past week.

Dexter celebrated his four week birthday on Monday. He spent the day pooping, peeing and sleeping. We have him sleeping in his room now, most of the time in his fishy chair, but now and then he makes it through in his crib.

Pictures of Dexter on his 4 week birthday. Though his baby acne is clearing up, Jim still threatens to put Proactive on his face.

The picture of Zoe (I know another one of her sleeping, who would have thought the kid never slept and really these moments during the day are rare). Zoe has a bit of an attitude these days - have I mentioned that? Her way of making up for poor behavior is to go and pick "roses" from our "rose bush" (more of weedlike roses), put them in individual tupperware containers, then place them by each of our beds. On this day she made it as far as step one and two but fell asleep before delivery happened.

Pictures from Bronco practice last week.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grandma Sue meets Dexter


Grandma Sue came to meet Dexter this past week. To the other two children's delight she came with gifts for them - a baby & stroller for Zoe and legos for Kellan (how could she go wrong?). We had a great time, mostly just hanging around home, catching up and enjoying Dexter. Not so much enjoying the fighting between Zoe and Kellan which seems to have escalated lately. Will there ever be a day they don't fight? I tell myself "enjoy it" - some day I may miss not having them around biting, kicking, screaming, throwing things, etc.

Below is a month old picture. Jim called me one morning at work laughing (which isn't typical for a morning at home). Kellan and Zoe had gotten into it, when Jim went to get him for school he encountered the below sign on Kellan's least no one got physically hurt in the posting of the sign. Though Zoe did cry that her feelings were hurt. Oh, if only feelings could be hurt with each fight.

We made it out to see the Bronco's practice this week. They practice right down the street from my work. We packed a picnic and joined Aunt Jan. It was a beautiful night. It's one of those things we've been meaning to do since moving here, glad we did it, but probably won't do it again - that is unless they get some player we may know and enjoy watching. Broncos have nothing on the Vikings or Eagles.

Not much in the way of school to mention. Zoe has started to clear her throat before talking these past two days. I guess her teacher has a cold and every time she goes to say something she clears her throat. It's very odd to hear a three year old clear her throat. I keep waiting for something very profound to come out of her little mouth.

Kellan has been exhausted. He wakes up very early, then with the long school day he's beat by the end of the day. We're hoping it's his lack of sleep that is blurring reality and the world of legos. He asked us in the car yesterday if people who need to wear oxygen tanks have to take their heads off to get the tank on. What??? We couldn't help but laugh...hysterically. We knew exactly what he was talking about. Legos on the brain - non-stop. We may need an intervention.

Friday, August 14, 2009

1st Day of Pre-School

Zoe & Kellan in front of school on Zoe's first day

Another first this past week. Zoe started pre-school. Her teacher's name is Ms. Peg. Zoe loves school (so far), she goes from 8:30 - 11:00 Tues. and Thurs. We all walk down to school together, dropping off Zoe first then Kellan.

Dexter had his two week check-up on Monday. He's up to 7.5 lbs., 21 inches. Percentage wise - 55% height, 25% weight, and 25% head cir.

Unfortunately Zoe had to go there with the nose pick in the video...which she never does. Zoe watches the videos on the blog all the time, so we'll see how long this is posted before she makes me pull it down (maybe she won't mind).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Bath

Dexter finally got a bath. It really was last week, but I'm just getting around to posting about it...luckily we didn't have to wait too long for the "button" to fall off. Kellan of course was very turned off by the "beef jerky", which Jim liked to refer to it as (I don't think our pediatrician will ever eat beef jerky again). I wish I had kept the video rolling because no sooner then I stopped taping then Dexter peed all over himself and Jim. He was a bit traumatized by it all (Dexter that is). Zoe helps put lotion on him afterwards and he mellows out instantly.

Zoe starts pre-school on Tuesday. I'll post something after the big day. We all went (sans Kellan) on Friday and met her teacher and other kids in the class. We were fortunate enough to get her into Kellan's school. They will be walking to school together every Tues. and Thurs. Zoe even let me do her hair for the meet and greet (see below). She got along great with the other kids and is very excited to start school this week.

Not much else. I'm still lacking sleep, kids still loving Dexter, Jim still making comments about wanting another baby (he's so funny).

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Weekend

I said as I left the hospital I would give myself at least one week to do anything, even leave the house. I didn't make it too far. There was dust staring at me, crumbs on the floor and lots of whites to wash due to a certain someone. Plus I could not miss Kellan's last T-Ball game (Dexter and I sat far away from everyone) and I kept hearing about Zoe walking across the logs at the pool (see vid - Kellan in the background cheering on Zoe) which I could not miss (Dexter did not go swimming but remained in his car seat in the shade).

I do feel absolutely fine, Ok, totally exhausted but glad not to have some of the aches and pains I did at the end of my pregnancy. Truly no complaints. My favorite moments from the weekend were: watching Jim and Zoe in the pool together all laughs and having a great time, Kellan proud with his last few at bats in his T-Ball game, all the appreciation the parents showed to Jim for coaching and mentoring this season. Lastly driving home from the pool with all three kids in the back of my car on a beautiful day, I couldn't have been happier.

**Disclaimer - Kellan and Zoe are not naked in the above/below pictures, it just looks that way.

Zoe telling Jim to scoot back in the pool for her to jump.
Kellan and Zoe introduced Dexter to their rooms - legos, bumper, princesses, dollhouses and many small things he will eventually put in his mouth (the lego guy wasn't as close as it looks in this picture).


Dexter's 1st doctor appointment

Dexter had his first doctor appointment on Friday. He is gaining back the weight he lost after birth...he's at 6 lb. 4 oz. He's doing well, healthy and happy (as far as we can tell) for a one week old.
Zoe was a bit apprehensive about the appointment, worried he would get a shot (or her). They both came home and crashed afterward. Zoe fell asleep in the car, was transferred to the couch and at some point rolled onto the floor.

1st Day of 1st Grade

Kellan started first grade on Wed. July 29th. His teacher's name is Mrs. Prather. He is at school from 8:40 until 3:30 everyday - seems crazy that from here on out he's committed to such a long week for a kid that's not even 6 years old yet. He has two recesses, lunch and snack time...if we can only implement that in our 40 hour a week jobs maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He's really enjoying himself even though it's only been four days. Tim/Debi - take note of the Wall-E shirt. He would wear it everyday if it was clean. That first day his oral fixation (the kid always has something in his mouth) backfired on him. He decided to put his name tag in his mouth, it was pinned to his shirt. He ended up with a big bloody lip and blood all over his sleeve. Lucky the shirt is red.

Kellan has been waking up early every morning to come and see Dexter and I (I banished us to the basement so Jim can sleep - though the other two keep him up). He wanders down and calls "Hello? Mom, are you awake?" if I don't answer he sleeps outside the door on the couch (I do answer, however not that first morning). He climbs in bed with me soon after and we talk about Dexter, it's very sweet.

Unfortunately the first day of school video isn't what it was last year...probably not even worth posting, but gives everyone an idea of Kellan's attitude :)