Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fairly Uneventful

Not much going on this past week.

Dexter celebrated his four week birthday on Monday. He spent the day pooping, peeing and sleeping. We have him sleeping in his room now, most of the time in his fishy chair, but now and then he makes it through in his crib.

Pictures of Dexter on his 4 week birthday. Though his baby acne is clearing up, Jim still threatens to put Proactive on his face.

The picture of Zoe (I know another one of her sleeping, who would have thought the kid never slept and really these moments during the day are rare). Zoe has a bit of an attitude these days - have I mentioned that? Her way of making up for poor behavior is to go and pick "roses" from our "rose bush" (more of weedlike roses), put them in individual tupperware containers, then place them by each of our beds. On this day she made it as far as step one and two but fell asleep before delivery happened.

Pictures from Bronco practice last week.

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