Monday, August 31, 2009

Kellan's 6th Birthday

One of our favorite pictures of Kellan at his first baseball game - 4 weeks old.

Our other baby boy is now six. We went to the Children's Museum and Red Robin on Sat. We knew as soon as he opened his gifts on Sunday he pretty much would not want to do anything but play - we were right, but we did make it out to dinner with Uncle Tom and Aunt Jan. Kellan loved all is presents and phone call birthday wishes.

At the Children's Museum

Dexter is sleeping 7-8 hours at a time now. If I could only get him to do it from 8pm - 5am...typically I am getting up between 12-1am for at least an hour and then again between 3-4 for an hour. Tired to say the least. Dexter also celebrated his one month birthday last week.

Kellan starts soccer Tuesday and Jim is back to playing softball on Monday nights. I'm not doing much but getting up with the kids in the morning, walking back and forth from school and taking a nap and shower every other day. Loving the simple life.

I am going to attempt to start a new segment on the blog - "Kid's Quote." Like all kids these guys say some pretty funny things. I rarely remember them, but know there's something said almost daily that brings a smile to my face. I figure if I am under some pressure to share, maybe I'll start remembering and writing things down. Some are going to be old quotes folks have already heard, otherwise I will try and be original. The quote for this post is in honor of Kellan's birthday, an oldie - not so much a quote but something Kellan used to always say. It took us years to find out what he was finally saying...(see upper right top of blog for quote).

I have some videos to post but am experiencing technical difficulties, for the sake of getting this blog done I'll hold off on the vids.

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