Friday, August 14, 2009

1st Day of Pre-School

Zoe & Kellan in front of school on Zoe's first day

Another first this past week. Zoe started pre-school. Her teacher's name is Ms. Peg. Zoe loves school (so far), she goes from 8:30 - 11:00 Tues. and Thurs. We all walk down to school together, dropping off Zoe first then Kellan.

Dexter had his two week check-up on Monday. He's up to 7.5 lbs., 21 inches. Percentage wise - 55% height, 25% weight, and 25% head cir.

Unfortunately Zoe had to go there with the nose pick in the video...which she never does. Zoe watches the videos on the blog all the time, so we'll see how long this is posted before she makes me pull it down (maybe she won't mind).

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