Monday, August 3, 2009

The Weekend

I said as I left the hospital I would give myself at least one week to do anything, even leave the house. I didn't make it too far. There was dust staring at me, crumbs on the floor and lots of whites to wash due to a certain someone. Plus I could not miss Kellan's last T-Ball game (Dexter and I sat far away from everyone) and I kept hearing about Zoe walking across the logs at the pool (see vid - Kellan in the background cheering on Zoe) which I could not miss (Dexter did not go swimming but remained in his car seat in the shade).

I do feel absolutely fine, Ok, totally exhausted but glad not to have some of the aches and pains I did at the end of my pregnancy. Truly no complaints. My favorite moments from the weekend were: watching Jim and Zoe in the pool together all laughs and having a great time, Kellan proud with his last few at bats in his T-Ball game, all the appreciation the parents showed to Jim for coaching and mentoring this season. Lastly driving home from the pool with all three kids in the back of my car on a beautiful day, I couldn't have been happier.

**Disclaimer - Kellan and Zoe are not naked in the above/below pictures, it just looks that way.

Zoe telling Jim to scoot back in the pool for her to jump.
Kellan and Zoe introduced Dexter to their rooms - legos, bumper, princesses, dollhouses and many small things he will eventually put in his mouth (the lego guy wasn't as close as it looks in this picture).


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